Summary of CardioGem Diagnostic Functions
Importantly: emotional and mental Internal Coherence are not mere "passive" conditions,
but ENGAGING, MOTIVATING and ACTIVE states. Practical benefits in personal life are
emotional control and therefore better self-management and improved efficiency.
CardioGem main diagnostic screen
A. |
Main Menu. |
B. |
ECG raw data. Fixed index and gain for absolute signal quality perception. Use mouse to scroll through a recorded session with different speeds. |
C. |
ECG Spectrum. Shows the frequencies that make up the heart beat, theoretically up to 60 Hz. Use mouse to adjust range and gain. |
D. |
Internal Cardio Coherence, ICC (in the case of healthy HRV). The peak height indicates the momentary ICC level (0 - 100%), the peak position indicates the heart rate. Use mouse to adjust range and gain. |
E. |
Heart Rate Variability spectrum. Shows the slow periodic heart rate fluctuations. If the HRV spectrum is harmonically inclusive (fractal), this indicates internal coherence. |
F. |
Heart rate (tacho) and ICC history. Very helpful for an initial impression of cardiac health and internal coherence. Shows heart rate and transient ICC peaks and average levels. Use mouse to adjust range and gain. |
G. |
Quick Scan, final statistical evaluation. The directly printable form includes a HRV and ICC summary with (optional) HRV statistics and ICC statistics. The Dynamic Index shows ICC effectiveness, automatically compensated for abnormally high or low HRV power. Use the Quick Scan in combination with your personal evaluation. |
Session Report - click to enlarge
Choose different skins - click to enlarge
The complete CardioGem ( + NeuroGem) set as it is shipped to you. Click to enlarge.
NeuroGem Diagnostics and Biofeedback
Join in the discovery of broad-spectrum Golden Ratio among brain waves
The NeuroGem is the sister-application of the CardioGem, and is essentially based on the same principles. The NeuroGem is fully functional and commercially available, but still relatively new. The NeuroGem is often acquired and used in combination with the CardioGem, to create a broad spectrum of "Heart-Brain" diagnostic and biofeedback possibilities (and with the benefit of a substantial discount). It is however a project in progress, and of course new developments in the software and its applications will be shared here. The NeuroGem's main functions are:
NeuroGem Biofeedback Training: "You are NOT your brain"..!
- Learn to see and function past ingrained cognitive and emotional patterns
- Evolve your improvising, evaluating and decision making capabilities
- Improve your capacities to shape, hold and realize your vision

NeuroGem main diagnostic screen
A. |
Main menu |
B. |
EEG raw data. Fixed index and gain, to have absolute signal quality perception. Use mouse to scroll through a recorded session with different speeds. |
C. |
ECG Spectrum (vertical). Shows the brain wave frequencies, theoretically up to 64 Hz.(Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta). Use mouse to adjust range and gain. The example shows alpha peaks. |
D. |
Geometric Coherence of the EEG Spectrum, bi-hemispheric. The peak height indicates the momentary coherence level (0 - 100%), the peak position indicates the geometric ratio. The peak quality is evaluated in the Quick Scan or in the Empirical Suite. Use mouse to adjust range and gain. |
E. |
EEG geometric coherence history, for Golden Ratio and Octave Ratio. The history plot optionally shows the coherence level or - quality, or the effectiveness. |
F. |
Quick Scan, final session history and statistics evaluation of various coherence parameters. |
G. |
EEG Coherence spectrogram. Same as geometric spectrum, waterfall plotted for the entire session. Excellent to quickly detect significant coherence. |

NeuroGem Spectrogram

NeuroGem special quick hook-on
clip for gel-free EEG sensors.
Click to enlarge |

NeuroGem Empirical Suite. See your actual EEG Internal Coherence
right in the functional diagram of the autonomic cycle

