CardioGem - NeuroGem Update
oct. 03, 2010

"As for the mind, so for waves"

Conceptual breakthroughs require the academic rigour of mainstream science, combined with the creative, intuïtional uninhibitedness and candor of elaborate spiritual cult (the latter clearly not including self-proclaimed new age guru's and other fortune tellers..). Both cover a genuine and vital part of the spectrum of human knowledge, essential for progress, if not for sheer survival.

In short, one cannot say that progress lies in the objective or in the subjective sphere alone. Einstein: "science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind". If we replace religion (collective devotional stupor..) with "spirituality" or better, "pure intuïtion" (shared subjectivity), we get the picture. Inclusion of the human factor, or more precisely, acknowledging subjectivity as a generic creative factor, does not at all mean slackening academic rigour, but dramatically expanding the scope and meaning of the evidence-based principle. One day we may be able to apply this even to pure material sciences (if such a thing exists at all..) and technology. In the current phase of upcoming intuïtional sciences, we study how nature is doing just the same, that is, the field of psycho-physiology (bio-psychology).

"The human body is a biological machine" said P.R. Sarkar, a contemporary, leading spiritualist and social revolutionary. This is not at all a materialistic approach, it is an innovative line of thought acknowledging that a purely material process ("physical" or "physics" will be used in a more expanded form..) can bring forth or host mental functions and eventually spiritual principles.

In physics terms, there may be various approaches. However, an analysis based on wave-physics seems obvious, allthemore as both in Eastern and Western thought, everything is waves. Intuïtional science, where it is applied in the field of measurable psycho-physiology, may be described as a wave-matrix model, that is verily, wave matrix physiology. The underlying spirit is "as for the mind, so for waves (individually or collectively)". This is not a mere association, it is a sound and verifyable approach. It is profoundly compatible and to some extend exchangeable with P.R. Sarkars microvita cosmology. The latter, in short, is a creation theory in which the principle of life plays a central role, and in that capacity unifies universal objective and subjective causal factors. Consequently, it unifies classical science and spiritual thought. More on microvita cosmology in the article below.

In the biological machine of the human body, it is an amazing feat of nature that right at those places where the mind is most distinctly expressed (the heart and brain), the hidden vibrations of the causal matrix are transformed into a directly measurable electrical spectrum. So far, such an effect is only observed in the biological organism, but may at one point also be discovered in some form at other levels.

The CardioGem and NeuroGem analyse the electrical wave matrix coherently radiating throughout the body, allowing a peak deep inside the psycho-physiology of e.g. a test person or therapeutic client. The CardioGem and NeuroGem are increasingly used by health professionals and institutes who sought a front end diagnostic and training aid with an intuïtional (subjective or spiritual..) approach in an objective scientific setting.

Further in this update, which mostly focuses on backgrounds:

  • NEW CardioGem version 1.6 featuring advanced Breathing Trainer
  • "The mind of waves" basics of wave matrix physiology
  • What can ECG / EEG coherence training do for you?
  • Short survey of P.R. Sarkar's microvita cosmology
  • Vortex / scalar Potentials - Prof. Konstantin Meyl

Special release note with version 1.06 Update Oct. 01, 2010

version 1.06 BREATHING TRAINER (Final)
expanding CardioGem training options

Open the NEW CG-5 Breathing Trainer from the Tools menu
--- optionally auto starts with a CardioGem EKG coherence session ---


This is a screenshot of the breathing trainer module, in this example setup for a
simple regular (periodic) breathing exersize. This will by default "loop around"
infinitely. The breathing trainer can be set to auto-start shortly (plm. 14 sec.) after
starting an EKG sampling session (freeing the hands and avoiding initial noise).

Increasing Heart Rate Variability, reducing hypertension and mortality
by increasing baroreflex sensitivity

Slow Breathing Improves Arterial Baroreflex Sensitivity and ... by CN Joseph - 2005 -
.. This autonomic imbalance is in turn related to a reduced or reset arterial baroreflex sensitivity and
chemoreflex-induced hyperventilation.
Slow breathing ...

Phase relationship between normal human respiration and baroreflex responsiveness.
D L Eckberg, Y T Kifle, and V L Roberts



1. "Stand alone" - use the Settings menu to select a breathing style and its parameters.
Press the START button in the centre which will activate the time-slider tracing the
wave, and the volume bar ("Wind Bag"). Try to follow the volume bar with your breathing
depth and rhythm.

2. Combine with EKG sampling for immediate effect - by default the breathing trainer is
set to auto-start a short moment (14 sec.) after starting a CardioGem session. Typically a
Volume-Down and / or Rhythm-Down wave is selected. These styles have the natural
capacity to induce moments of strong coherence at the end, which can be recorded. This
can elegantly be verified using the biofeedback sound cue and is a great step-up for
more sustained training.

Combine with EKG sampling for sustained heart coherence improvement. This involves the more skillful use of breathing techniques as a profound therapeutic means to improve psycho-physiological coherence. A dedicated training program could be designed
employing the breathing trainer in various ways.

Breathing training styles (fully adjustable breathing waves)

Expand your workspace with a 2nd. monitor, e.g. in a
therapist / client setup showing the breathing trainer
full screen


curent CardioGem - 5QS users: free upgrade from user download page;

Current HeartTuner PRO-04 owners: complete upgrade to CardioGem-5QS (incl. Breathing Trainer):
280,- Euro / 386,- USD (ex. VAT; credit card, wire)




"The mind of waves" - basics of wave matrix physiology and biological coherence
"As for the mind, so for waves" means nothing less than the breakthrough insight that the quality of waves (light, sound) which we actually perceive are part and parcel of those waves themselves, that is, in rudimental form. We don't see lightwaves or hear soundwaves - we see colours and hear sounds. The actual wave is technically measurable, which we can consider the quantitative aspect of a wave. Physicists never asked the very obvious question, what is the physics process that leads to the final stage of sensory perception? Let alone answering that question.

This objective differentiation in a quantitative and qualitative aspect of waves, how that evolved ino biological perception and ultimately full fledged individual experience, is the subject of wave matrix physiology and generally coherence in biological systems. This includes the pure physics / mathematics principle of how waves operate collectively through coherence. That is, waves can share and therefore emphasise their quantitative aspect (optimizing connectedness through assimilating the qualitative aspect), or they can merge (optimizing synergy by assimilating the quantitative aspect), amplifying their qualitative aspect. This is a very simple, but nevertheless mathematically reproducible description of the perceptive apparatus. The beauty of it, is that is creates no confusion about "what's inside and what's outside" or other problems of classical cognitive theory, because it simply describes an intrinsic creative phenomenon. I.e. the physical body and senses themselves are but one emerging effect of it. Details are well known but not further discussed here.

In relation to psycho-physiology, especially in a therapeutic session, one needs to understand that different measurable types of wave coherence relate to different fundamental aspect of individual experience and psychology. This is discussed in more detail in below article on coherence diagnosis and training. Therapists typically indicate that they understand the principle, but still find it difficult to convey it to their clients. This obviously requires a fair amount of practical experience one cannot reasonably expect to acquire overnight. Dedicated users get generally fluent and intuïtional with it, and that's the setting where coherence diagnosis and training reaches its fullest potential. It's a matter of DOING, not just thinking about it, which makes a bit a dry story. WORK with people and experience how simple it can be to make someone's psychology transparent, and how it relates to certain complaints or disorders.This is clearly not for the typical main stream test tube gazer and paper generator - JUST PLAY WITH IT!!

It is at the same time a real life demonstration of an innovation in "evidence based" thinking. The therapist or trainer is part of the process (a little bit in a quantum physics way..) however without meaning that the diagnostic process is therefore less conclusive or ambiguous! Instead, it means that we are learning to deal with the physical reality that "subjectivity" is part and parcel of human experience. Classically, "objectivity" is associated with "that which is real". That is wrong. "Objectivity" is but a concept. Likewise, "subjectivity" is. Only both together create "real" experience, that is, the conceptual aspect of it. The perceptive aspect consists of what may be described in terms of wave matrix coherence (see also next article).

More backgrounds plus physical evidence in "Geometric origin of selective color empathy"

What can EKG / EEG coherence diagnosis and training do for you?

original article sept. 06, 2010

True innovation requires a likewise innovate spirit and openmindedness with potential users, not only asking for better solutions, but asking better questions in the first place. The CardioGem and NeuroGem, and especially the underlying concepts, rather than providing a ready solution for conventional questions related to the fields of health, wellness, diagnosis and therapy (and their commercial implications..) provide a very innovative approach and in that quality first of all help to re-formulate such important questions. This article focuses on some practical benefits of EKG / EEG coherence diagnosis and training and attempts to provide a maximum shareable explanation of the underlying concepts.

An innovation in electro-physiology and its practical benefits
The core of the innovation lies not in the technical solution, rather it is a new and powerful approach based on deeply understanding and assessing the primary causes of individual psychology and experience. These are roughly identified as "thinking" vs. "feeling". This may still sound like conventional wisdom, but the specialty lies in a far more precise definition of each, which in that capacity is found to have unique and truly measurable basis in bio-physics. This way, a highly innovative, consise and universal formulation of health and wellness is provided.

This new approach translates into practical uses in various ways:

  • CREATE UNPRECEDENTED TRANSPARENCY. It can be a very effective help in gaining substantial insight in the core status of a person's condition, e.g. during an intake talk. This can still be unrelated to the actual use of software etc.
  • VERIFY THIS THROUGH OBJECTIVE DIAGNOSIS. Through their one-to-one connection with the electrophysiology of heart and brain, these well-defined key constituents of individual experience can directly be diagnosed (special kind of EKG or EEG spectral analysis) using the proprietary CardioGem resp. NeuroGem applications.
  • USE IT TO SUPPORT YOUR EXISTING THERAPY. The diagnostics can be used in combination with existing forms of therapy e.g. to assist during a pre-assessment, to trace progress, or to objectively proof results.
  • OFFER EFFECTIVE BIOFEEDBACK TRAINING. Last but not least, the built-in biofeedback possibilities provides well targeted entrainment which can support existing interventions or be used on its own.

"As for the mind, so for waves" - explaining the root causes of individual experience.
Individual experience is congenially divided into "thinking" and "feeling" without precisely defining either of the two. The far more precise definition used here not only allows a more meaningful insight in a person's condition, but far more revolutionary, makes it directly measurable in the heart's and brain's electrical spectra.

  • "Feeling" here does not refer to emotions, but rather empathy or empathic power. Empathy is considered the result of emotional coherence, and this is unambiguously reflected in the coherence of biological spectra.
  • "Thinking" does not refer to thoughts (imaginations, associations, memories, etc..) but rather cognitive clarity or pure intent. Pure intent is the result of coherent thought and is also reflected in biological spectra, but of course different than coherent emotion.

The breakthrough insight, which makes this approach so valuable e.g. in therapy, is that either of the states "coherent emotion" or "coherent thought" in purest form just by their own do NOT constitute any actual experience. In fact they represent a state of non-experience. They are purely subjective states which could be referred to e.g. as psychological singularities. Actual experience is created only by both together. That means, that EVERY single instance of personal experience ALWAYS consitutes an empathic ingredient and an ingredient of pure intent. This effectively breaks down personal psychology into diagnosable and manageable portions. The way the two interact and how they exactly relate to biological spectra is another chapter which goes outside the scope of this article.

In terms of e.g. a therapeutic setting, both "singularities" or key-components of individual experience must be well-developed in order to provide a balanced basis for health and wellness. This is sometimes referred to as "flow experience". Empathy here means not just "feeling for others" - it is the far stronger concept that feeling for others leads to the ability of sharing and taking part, which is the ONLY true source of inspiration, self-empowerment, creativity and mental freedom! It is a typical misconception in western / materialistic society that individualism, which is in fact right the opposite, is the source of these positive qualities.

Complementary to "empathic power" there is cognitive power or pure intent. This is the capacity of maximum separating oneself from others, in other words individuation. Individuation is not the same as individualism! In other words, individuation means separating oneself from others, not disconnecting oneself from everybody. This may seem a bit counter-intuïtive, but in fact the opposite is true, individuation indicates, and in fact equals a state of "maximum" connectedness! Oppositely, pure empathy equals a state of maximum merger. In short, "connectedness with all" vs. "one-ness with all".

Conclusively, the complementary bio-psychological root causes are described here as purely subjective states yet constitute the one and only substance and power source of personal psychology and individual experience. As for the mind, so for waves. Hence, the one-to-one connection with directly measurable biological spectra provides a revolutionary approach to assessment and training as summarized above.

An innovative approach of what is considered "evidence based".
In main stream medical science, "evidence" often means "statistics". The moment statistics are used as an argument (anywhere), you can be sure that the underlying parameters are not totally understood. With the motto "medica curat, natura sanat" in mind, we could say that the underlying parameters are in fact never totally understood, even when curing (!) e.g. a broken leg.

At the same time, many complementary or alternative methods or treatments are considered "non-scientific" because the underlying parameters are totally not understood, notwithstanding subjective results and positive statistics in well tested cases.

Consequently, if some underlying parameters of a complementary or alternative method are understood, this method could potentially be considered "scientific", that is practically, assuming the statistics are favorable as well.

The ideal case which would make an innovative approach scientific is where the underlying parameters are deeply understood. This is what coherence diagnosis (spectral geometry) in electro-physiology is about. Although coherence diagnosis is typically non-specific with respect to disorders, it can form a powerful and fully transparent diagnostic help and training tool both for clinical and complementary or alternative use. More specifically, by using it for verification it could help bring current complementary or alternative methods under the umbrella of accepted clinical practice.

In other words, spectral geometry diagnosis (and treatment) has the potential to introduce a new paradigm of "evidence based". Common statistics and / or subjective results can now be supported by a comprehensive biophysics model (wave matrix physics or coherent wave physiology) which is mathematically testable and verifiable, measurable and entrainable.

The direct beneficial influence of coherent heart and brain waves radiating through the body.
The deeply benefical influence of the electric- and in case of the heart also acoustic radiations on the body have been the subject of decades of study, publications and practice in various forms and aspects (ref. e.g. Bill Tiller, David Servan-Schreiber, Institute of HeartMath, Network Spinal Analysis,..). Spectral geometry analysis as performed with the CardioGem and NeuroGem is the first approach facilitating a complete, integrated and verifiable mathematical, physics, bio-physics and psychological system centered around the root causes of personal psychology and individual experience.

© All rights reserved, Triguna Media, 2010

P.R. Sarkar's microvita cosmology - in-depth survey in a nutshell
(Read the full original article on microvita and cosmology)

(1) Supreme Universal Entity.
(The Supreme Cognitive Principle and the Supreme Cognitive Creative Faculty +/- maintaining universal equilibrium and equipoise). (Nirvishes'a).

(2) Supreme Attributional Principle. (Savishes'a).


Doing principle or supra mundane seed of the actional principle, ready for being sprouted (microvita of different characters, either of positive or negative nature, collectively maintaining the balance of the actional universe, creating initial forms of carbon [carbonic? - ed.] atoms that help macro- and micro propensities in having their purely physical [i.e. material -ed.] auxiliary media with mass and wants)


Knowing principle or supra-mundane knowledge (expressed energies of different characters; indestructible, interchangeable and inter-transmutable)


Planes of microcosmic and macrocosmic propensities (different strata of mind: conscious, sub-conscious, physico-psychic, psycho-physical, and psycho-spiritual [controlled by Subjective B - ed.])


Planes of universal macrocosmic inferences and their reflected and refracted inferences (planes of inferences which are being activated, accelerated and stimulated by Subjective A)

(A) subjective relates to and controls (B) objective and (B) subjective relates to and controls (A) objective.

(A) subjective is the field of psycho-spiritual laboratory research and (B) objective is the field of external laboratory research. In the case of (A) subjective, results cannot come within external laboratory tests.

This is a new line of thinking -- a new philosophical approach. Here 'knower I' or 'doer I' are not necessarily the mahat, aham or citta of philosophy. It is a new school of philosophical thought -- it has no connection with mahat, aham and citta. New Sam'skrta terms will have to be created:

Knower I is Jina Purus'a
Doer I is Krta Purus'a
Abstract is Bha'vastha
Non-attributional is Nirvishes'a
Attributional is Savishes'a

Positive and negative microvita maintain equilibrium in the (B) subjective chamber of the Supreme Attributional Principle. That is why during the bifurcation, the unitary strength remains the same -- the subjective and objective having equal value in strength during the phase of reduction.

[source: P.R. Sarkar, Microvita in a Nutshell (Microvita and Cosmology), collected lectures, Ananda Marga Publications, Calcutta]

Corresponcences with wave matrix physiology and psycho-physiology
(Read full article in update March 2010)






Numerical evidence: "Fractal Syntesizer" (interactive software)

Create wave matrix patterns and see for yourself how Golden Mean
and Octave recursiveness create coherence peaks.

Download here and ask for free activation code.

Vortex / scalar Potentials - Prof. Konstantin Meyl
( )

Above wave matrix model is a functional approach applying to general creative process, and specifically the field of psycho-physiology (Sarkar: bio-psychology).

A pure physics model would need to describe not only the (common) quantitative part, but also provide a physics explanation of the qualitative aspect.

The concept of Vortex Potentials of Konstatin Meyl could be a powerful approach, which directly relates to biological process at the same time. That is, vortex potentials are then proposed as the physical manifestation of the qualitative process. Clearly, it is a different kind of physics.

In order to evolve the wave matrix model described above, into a physics model including the concept of vortex potentials, it is firstly important to realize that allthough Golden Mean recursion based wave matrix coherence is (righteously) associated with the qualitative aspect of creation (mental reality) process, it does not actually describe the physics of it! This is where popularistic lecturers like e.g. Dan Winter went wrong. When scientific rigour is replaced by unchecked association, the result can be devastatingly confusing. In short, "Golden Mean" wave recursion logically belongs to the very same "plain" quantitative regime just like any other textbook physics. However, it does provide the environment, described in quantitative terms, where waves harmonically converge and merge so that the hidden qualitative (scalar..!) potential can be released (.. verily, unleashed in some cases..). This scalar potential then, on its own accord, engages in its own characteristic type of physics, described by Meyl as vortex potentials.

Secondly, the commonly proposed principle of plain (two-wave) phase conjugation as a means to facilitate scalar transmission and reception, is expanded to the more general concept of wave matrix coherence. This means there is not just one, but there exist four different, complementary types of wave discipline which produce a net effect of scalar (resp. vortex potential) turnover. The wave matrix model could thus be evolved to show the pure physics, quantitatively plus qualitatively, as follows:

.. which obviously implies an (equipoised) toroidal topology, as the prototype sustainable shape / mental reality in and of a universal (additive + heterodyne) medium.

© All rights reserved, Triguna Media, 2010