March 25, 2011 Updates

NeuroGem with Empirical Suite - download demo or view directly online

New article: Microvita and cosmology - philosophical, physics and future science implications of P.R.
Sarkar’s new creational paradigm

Special feature: the wave matrix structure of the subtle plexi of bio-psychology (aka. "cakra's") -
first time ever logical proof of their true geometric origin and nature, number of vortices and channels
(extract from article)

Frank van den Bovenkamp

Triguna Media
tel.: 0031 53 4361096
mob.: 0031 65 1080223

Now available - NeuroGem with Empirical Suite


A Click any text, graphic or graph item to see relevant topic in Session Reference.
B Click to bring to front / hide input module to scroll through a recorded session.
C Click note to select Golden Mean (Phi) or octave biofeedback, based on reference peak calibration. Click 2nd. time to disable. Biofeedback settings are synchronized with settings menu.
D Empirical Suite mode coherence graphs with reference peak. Graph always shows Phi resp. octave in centre. The thin index lines indicate 1.6 resp. 1.7 ratio around Phi, and 1.9 resp. 2.1 ratio around octave. See examples below.
E Actual geometric coherence per L/R, Phi/octave channel as per peak ref. calibration.
F Average geometric coherence. During sampling, and during scrolling the last 10 seconds of the recording, also the final evaluation is printed ("low, average, etc.."). See table below.
G Simple 90 sec. fixed coherence history, by way of progress indicator. The Empirical Suite coherence can also be viewed in the normal History module, by selecting the biofeedback channel.

The dramatically improved analysis and graphics reconfirm: the brain favours and sustains geometric
spectra throughout the spectral range which are highly significant in psycho-physiology. This
demonstrates which was never discovered in classical neurology and neurofeedback: while the brain
jumps between frequencies all the time, it can nevertheless maintain a constant pattern among those
frequencies. This is the truly musical electro-physiology of the brain creating unique opportunities for
diagnosis and entraining: Cognition (mental clarity, focused intent, confidence), Empathy (belonging,
sharing, creativity, resourcefulness, ..) together forming the psycho-physiology of
and Flow-experience.

Incuded in the Empirical Suite direct connection to the new Session Reference, interactive learning,
teaching, diagnosis and training reference The Session Reference is part of the software. Alternatively
see the Session Reference online.

Benefits of entraining coherence







sharing, being

"Being one with others"






Mental clarity,

Identity, focused intent,
control, setting targets,
being organised

"Being one with one self"


 - main literary source for cyclic diagram of principal subjective and objective states:
P.R. Sarkar, Microvita & Cosmology, Microvita in a Nutshell, Ananda Marga Publications

EEG-Diagnosing & entraining it:
 with Empirical Suite

+ Awaited: Empirical Suite for CardioGem

New article: Microvita and cosmology - philosophical, physics and future science implications of P.R.
Sarkar’s new creational paradigm

This article was originally written on request of the refereed Journal of Futures Studies, for a
special issue on Microvita Theory. Surprisingly, even after initial review, the article could not get
through essentially because in their critical referee group no-one appeared to relate enough to
the subject to actually ...referee it. Therefore I suggested the daily editor to postpone speculating
on this future study and in the meantime not be tempted to publish referee-able futilities under the
banner of P.R. Sarkar's microvita science. While the intended release has become much overdue
anyway, I'm publishing it myself now. Nevertheless, JFS is an inspiring resource investigating
futures scenarios in many fields, and I want to thank the editor in chief for his advise and patience.
Journal of Futures Studies


Microvita and cosmology - philosophical, physics and future science implications of P.R. Sarkar’s new creational paradigm

Frank van den Bovenkamp

Microvita theory finds itself in the somewhat unique position of benefiting from an aura of general interest, scientific relevance and momentum, imparted by its preceptor, the Indian philosopher, spiritualist and social revolutionary Shrii P.R. Sarkar (a.k.a. Shrii Shrii Ananadamurti), while at the same time bearing on a still very early, if not embryonic stage of discovery. Albert Einstein once said “If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut” (Einstein). In the early days of modern physics, around the early part of the 20th century, if similarly revolutionary concepts would have made public equally prematurely, to favour one context or another, without worked out theories and tested concepts to lend them authority, we might still live in a world of Newtonian mechanics, without computers, satellite navigation, internet, MRI scans or the Hubble space telescope.

Likewise, at this moment in time the avenues for a shared discourse on microvita theory which is at the same time relevant, innovative and not entirely speculative, are limited. Therefore, the choice to publish about microvita here and now should be well considered and genuinely motivated. Recognizing and positively utilizing Sarkars authority is a good start, and also of interest is the presumed relevance of microvita theory in a wide range of disciplines, from physics to bio-psychology, from sociology to cosmology. Whereas an in-depth, subtle physics treatment (the term “meta-physics” may become obsolete..) may be the best if not only relevant approach, P.R. Sarkar himself extensively elaborates on application in these respective fields, and with good reason, because: “otherwise certain problems in modern society may not be solved in a nice way” (Sarkar, 1986).  Consequently, publications related to microvita over the past decades were keen to underscore these subjects, mostly in a rather journalistic or pseudo-scientific style. However in this setting, the term “microvitum” was virtually used as a pseudonym for “positive or negative vibration”. Clearly this entails little more than well-intended pseudo-scientific esoterism, obviously inspired by the belief that society is served by giving “microvita” a certain cult status. Slightly more disturbing trends are for example individuals posing as self-declared “official” microvita researchers, or others using microvita theory in a subordinate fashion while its potential is obviously not understood. This sort of complacency, naive esoterism and other outflanking movements should be abandoned for the delicate new concept to reach its full potential within the time frame a globalized society may get in dire need of it.

A truly new paradigm brings along its own context. It is not a re-interpretation or re-arrangement of concepts already published before. P.R. Sarkar introduced and elaborated on this new creation theory in such a condensed manner, that his lectures virtually constitute a continuum of key phrases. In the opinion of the author, primus inter pares of key phrases could be his succinct statement: “This is a new line of thought” - followed by the explicit remark that this theory is different than philosophy (Sarkar, 1989-1). Here, Sarkar clearly states that the current subject, “microvita and cosmology”, represents an entirely new paradigm, that is, a new creation theory, one that is centred on life. This was essentially overlooked in a bid for a cognitive quick-fix.


The subject of microvita appears to have barely any reference or precedent, certainly not in mainstream science. Hence, insofar the elementary phenomenon of “microvitum” is concerned, this article is written with the notion that the author is as much a lay person as probably most readers. Microvita theory firmly stands on its own and this is especially materialized through the subject of microvita and cosmology, given by Sarkar, so this will be the focus. The potential vastness of the subject requires some restrain, as contexts as well as backgrounds and implications seem near to endless and can be sooner distractive than explanatory. Therefore, some basic philosophy from the Indian episteme is used, as a minimum assessable context and not for the sake of fundamental explanation.

By introducing the new concept of wave matrix physics, including verifiable discoveries by the author himself, it will be demonstrated that microvita theory can be approached in a logical and incisive manner, with an emphasis on physical implementation. The physics implications and examples are necessarily only given in concept here. Readers mostly interested in context instead of content may wish to skip the seemingly technical parts about wave matrix physics and the forces. However without in-depth discussion, study and discourse the subject is sure to linger in trivia as it has essentially done during the 25 years since its inception. If the actual subject matter is, at least for an appreciable part, taken as an intuitional, rather than a purely analytical challenge, this will greatly favour the accessibility as it is evident and will be proven that the paradigm shift implied by microvita theory will be one toward more heart-centred cognition.

Note: many of the graphics in this article are screen captures of 3-D interactive animations. These have been collected in a special online page coming with this article,

Read complete article

Special feature: the wave matrix structure of the subtle plexi of bio-psychology (aka. "cakra's")

The subject of the cakras (psycho-physical controlling centres or plexi; Sarkar, 1989-2) would naturally be part of the discussion on microvita and the human body with respect to the glands. However the application of MVC / WMP to the cakras deserves a special place as it is found to generate the complete design of bio-psychology known in Yogic sciences, including the number of mental propensities in each cakra.


As discussed before, in the universal scheme the evolution of glands relates to the secondary or empirical inversion, linking mental propensities to physicality. The subtle controlling centres of the glands are called cakras, or plexi. The synchronization of propensities with sensor- and motor organs is not the role of the cakras, but of the CNS.
The phase of creation just before the secondary or empirical inversion in the universal medium is controlled by the qualitative and quantitative matrix singularities. In the diagram of MVC / WMP, these matrices are found to imply the complete system of 5 basic cakras, the channels connecting them, as well as the type of propensities in each chakra. The expressions of the Causal Matrix in that stage include the 2 creational flows (evolution vs. withdrawal) and the two subtle physiological flows (activation vs. inhibition). In bio-psychology, the two creational flows correspond with the seat of the mind, the 6th or Ajna cakra. The physiological flows correspond to the subtle energy channels (the “nadi”, respectively “Ida” and “Pingala”). These 2 x 2 combinations each control the four basic wave matrix geometries comprising the qualitative and quantitative chambers of the universal mind.

This combined constitutes the 16 (2 x 2 x 4) propensities of the fifth cakra, the sidereal plexus. The causal flows associated with the four basic matrices are reflected in the individual terminus as four wave nodes. This forms the first or terrainian plexus. The same causal flows terminate as antinodes in, or just beyond the fifth cakra. The causal flow meandering through the five plexi can thus be counted as 3 whole cycles (in between four nodes) plus half a cycle (from the fourth node to the anti-node terminus). This wave number is reflected in the 3 ½ windings of the fabled “coiled serpentine” of the terrainian plexus known in yogic bio-psychology, where the sum total expressed creative potential lies quiescent, rather than dormant.

Cardinal orientations of respectively the icosa-dodeca matrix
and the cube-octa matrix
The 6 cardinal orientations of the quantitative matrix (shown here in rudimental form) constitute the 6 propensities of the 2nd or fluidal plexus. This is the bio-psychological centre of individuation. The 12 cardinal orientations of the qualitative matrix form the 12 propensities of the 4th or solar plexus. This is the centre of empathy. This so far captures almost the complete MVC / WMP creation diagram, except the two reduction phases. In the MVC / WMP diagram and in the system of plexi alike, these are balanced in the centre, that is, the 3rd origneous plexus. It’s somewhat less obvious 10 orientations are the result of 10 different interdigitation angles between the principal regular polyhedrons of the qualitative and quantitative singularities. These are derived from the discrete orientations of a tetrahedron inside a dodecahedron. This was proven by the author to predict the exact wavelengths of 9 primary colours as well as the retinal peak sensitivity, and logically corresponds with the 10 mental propensities in the 3rd plexus, which indeed is associated with light and vision.

This way, the map of 5 basic cakras along with their proper number of propensities and network is explained from the viewpoint of MVC / WMP. In the diagram, the propensities are illustrated using the complete combined geometric singularities, for each plexus 3-D oriented to emphasise the geometric function in that plexus. The 2 main channels are cycling through the centres, their interior 4 flows converge into four wave nodes in the base plexus while opening up to the Causal Matrix as 16 antinodes in the sidereal plexus.

Microvita and cosmology - Wave Matrix Physics online graphics & animations resource

Universal spherical-rotational compression, shown
as geodesics
in a reference medium.

3D-interactive animations + all on Wave Matrix Physics: